Scout again. The trial ended, and it came as no surprise that Tom Robinson was guilty. Even after all the evidence that proved Tom Robinson’s innocence, the majority of the jury still thought that he was guilty. Only one person on the jury thought that Tom Robinson was innocent, it was one of the Cunninghams. Everyone on the jury had made their minds before any of the evidence and before Atticus made a very convincing speech. The truth is that is honestly doesn’t matter if there was evidence. The woman who was raped, Mayella, wasn’t taken to the hospital after the alleged rape. There was no evidence that proved she was even raped. There were only signs that she had been beaten. Judging from the injuries to her face Tom Robinson could not have done it because his left hand is injured and her injuries were to the right side of her face. The jury thought Tom Robinson was a criminal because he was black, not because he was accused of raping a white woman. I think something good still came from this experience though. Even though in the end a man was accused for a crime he did not commit, I think changes are definitely starting to happen in the community. The jury took a very long time to decide the verdict. Even though they didn’t think he was innocent, that shows that they probably considered it. People are beginning to change their stubborn ways. They can no longer judge black people so quickly, they now have to think about their actions and whether they are right or not. It’s not a huge improvement but it’s something. The community is one step closer to treating black people as people. This trial is a major evolution for Maycomb, it didn’t work out how I wanted it to, but I think as a community we all learned something.
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