Hi, it’s Scout again. It feels like the adults in Maycomb never had to deal with any of this growing up. It was just accepted that everyone hated black people. Now it’s a struggle everyday for my family to make what they believe heard. There’s no denying that society is changing. I never thought about any of this until Tom Robinson was convicted of rape, but it seems like there are only two types of people in Maycomb, racist or not. Some people like Mr. Raymond even try to make excuses for their beliefs, but not Atticus. He knew from the very start that it’s unfair to simply hate black people for no reason. He never tried to make excuses or cover it up. He knew he had to defend Tom Robinson, and he was the only one that could. If that makes people look at my family in a different way, then I’m fine with that. They can think whatever they want, but now they have more to think about, and have to start questioning themselves, not us. People like Atticus are the only people who can change society, the people who have the courage to stand up for what they know to be right despite what their peers may think. It is not the fault of the community how they treat black people. It is just the way they were raised. They were brought up to hate them for no reason and that’s what they do. They do however have a choice, a child may not know any better, but every adult needs to recognize that the treatment towards black people is wrong and has to stop. People must have already started to question themselves after the start of the trial. Hopefully that will be enough and as a community we can change for the better. Tom Robinson’s trial is going to be over soon, I just hope the jury makes the right decision.